7 simple ways to begin a regular meditation practice
Meditation has been around for thousands of years. And while most of us know that it has a long list of benefits for our mental and physical health, for many of us starting a regular meditation practice can be intimidating.
If you are one of those people (I know I certainly was/am) – here are seven simple ways to help you begin a regular meditation practice.
1 – Start small
When you set out to begin a regular meditation practice, it’s really important to start with a small goal. Don’t try and meditate for an hour every day – it’s going to be too much. Aim for just five minutes.
2 – Find a comfortable space
One of the wonderful things about meditation is that it can be done anywhere, but it’s helpful to find a comfortable space where you can relax and focus – particularly when you’re starting out. This could be a quiet room or corner of your home, a park, the beach or even your car. Wherever you choose, make sure it’s a space where you feel comfortable and safe.
3 – Choose a time of day that works for you
People often ask me what the best time of day to meditate is and I tell them ‘whenever you can’. But trying to start a regular practice choosing the best time of day for you and then making it a part of our daily routine will help. Some people prefer to meditate first thing in the morning, while others find it helpful to meditate before bed. You may need to experiment with different times of day to find what works best for you.
4 – Use guided meditations
Guided meditations are a great way to help you get started with a regular mediation practice. They provide guidance and structure, which can make it easier for you to focus and relax. There are lots of free guided meditations available online, or you can download an app. Have a read of some of my favourites here: 5 best meditation apps to keep you calm. Alternatively you could join a meditation group – check out the sit, or get in touch with your favourite meditation teacher (*cough) and see what they have on offer.
5 – Focus on your breath
One of the simplest and most effective forms of meditation is breath awareness. Simply focus on your breath, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply – allowing the breath to fill your body as you inhale, and relax as your exhale. If your mind starts to wander, gently bring your attention back to your breath. In and out, in and out.
6 – Embrace the perfect imperfections
It’s not going to be perfect the first time you sit to meditate, or the second or third or fiftieth – but it’s not about being perfect. Meditation is a practice, and like any practice, it takes time. It’s really common for to feel frustrated or distracted during meditation. Don’t be discouraged if your mind wanders, you feel restless or you don’t reach ‘enlightened buddha’ status overnight. Simply acknowledge the thought or feeling and return your focus to your breath. In and out, in and out.
7 – Be consistent
Consistency is key when it comes to establishing a regular meditation practice. Try to meditate at the same time and in the same place each day. This will help you build a habit and make it easier to stick with your practice over time.
There’s a wonderful meditation teacher name Tara Brach – she talks about a motto that she had about her meditation practice during a difficult time in her life. It was ‘every day no matter what’. It meant that she would meditate every day no matter what – but it didn’t matter for how long. She gave herself flexibility so that it didn’t become something she ‘should’ do, but instead something she was able to gift herself each day. That small window of time – just for her.
Starting a regular meditation practice can seem daunting at first, but it really is worth the effort. Think of all the benefits you could gain from regular meditation, including reduced stress, improved focus, and greater emotional well-being – sounds good right? It does take time and some effort to develop a regular practice, but be kind and patient with yourself as you start out. And have fun!
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